Craniosacral Therapy...
People choose CST for many reasons...
In each of us is a history of experiences, some of which might still be held in the body. It could be an old injury, the aftermath/ recovery from an illness, grief, chronic stress, caring for others or in times of transition in life where we might be feeling adrift and ungrounded.
CST helps us to settle within ourselves, then the body can start to soften and unwind restoring balance and flow. It can help reorientate us back into our centre, re-establishing our connection with our own creativity and sense of self.
Many of the patterns of tension and restriction in our bodies have roots in both the physical, emotional and energetic, and the beauty of craniosacral therapy is that it can move through these different forms with ease. Firmly rooted in the body, within the nervous system, the bones, muscles, the membranes and fascia, the unique quality of the person is transmitted, and this is what guides the treatment.
There is a subtle rhythm of movement, expanding and contracting very much like the breath, throughout the whole body and this can be listened to through gentle contact at various points on the body. This rhythm expresses qualities and patterns of movement in the tissues and nervous system and is what informs the treatment and guides the therapist.
The treatment
A treatment session is usually 60 minutes, although if it’s felt appropriate it can be 90 minutes. You lie fully clothed, on the couch, supported with pillows for comfort. There is an invitation to settle and to just notice what you are feeling. Light contacts are made at different points on the body and as the treatment progresses there is often a deepening of self-awareness, accompanied by relaxation, sometimes sleep.
The treatment moves through the layers of history within us, aiding the body to unwind and release in different places, restoring balance and vitality.
Sometimes, I might suggest teaching some Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing TMW, that the client can continue to practise in their own time. This is particularly helpful if there is anxiety, balance issues or feeling ungrounded. This can be incorporated into a 60-minute appointment, or it might be decided to have a 90-minute session, which could be divided into 30 minutes TMW followed by 60 minutes CST.
How many sessions?
This really depends on the individual and how they respond. We are all unique, so I recommend a follow-up within 2 weeks of the first appointment to review things. Generally, a course of treatments is beneficial as each session builds upon the previous one. This could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Ways CST can help
Feeling stressed and anxious
Feeling off-kilter
Headaches and migraines
Muscular pain
Poor digestion
Sleep issues
Times of transition/life changes
Chronic health problems
Book an Appointment
60-minute session £50
90-minute session £70
This consists of 30 minutes of TMW followed by 60 minutes of craniosacral therapy -
30 minute introductory sessions in both Craniosacral Therapy or Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing £30
For enquiries or to book an appointment please contact me directly by email or mobile