A bit about me...

Alison Capper RCST
As a member of both The Craniosacral Association UK and The Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing Association I continue to develop my own understanding and practise, exploring the inner world of feeling and thought and how this reflects into the health of the body. I find the techniques of Focusing very helpful and have done various training in this area. I love to immerse myself in nature and would encourage anyone to do this as a way of supporting themselves in this demanding frenetic world that we live in. I love the Japanese idea of forest bathing. I regularly go to the Forest of Dean and do experiential work/play in equine facilitated therapy.
I have explored and used the Bach Flower Remedies for decades and am now training in them so that I can offer them as another support to my clients.
I have been practising as a Craniosacral therapist since 2007.
I discovered it through my own ongoing journey of self-healing and exploration and decided to train, as I wanted to be able to share this with others. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a very gentle yet deeply effective therapy that meets us where we want to be met so nothing is demanded or forced but instead a safe space is created where the body can begin to soften and relax.
Calm and relaxing environment